I do not know if the protests are mostly peaceful but I do know that the reason people violently protest is because they correctly perceive that peaceful protest is disregarded in America.
One way to discourage violent protest is to pay a little more attention to peaceful protest!
It's just amazing to me that the conservative response to calls for police reform has been "do nothing and then get upset when protests turn violent" rather than "Resurrect the corpse of Calvin Coolidge and break the spine of public sector unions."
We had an opportunity here to get through a reform we want anyways, and also to push a key element of the nanny state a bit further out of our lives, and we were like, "what if instead we complained online and then spectated while cops went on de facto strike and cities burned"
Trump aimed his ire at city governments for holding back police, when we have mountains of evidence suggesting that when police face criticism from the public, they stop policing and go on a de facto strike. As a result, crime usually spikes.
I understand people angry that rioters are burning stuff down.

I don't understand the forgiveness offered to the police officers allowing it to happen because they have simply stopped being a physical deterrent day-in, day-out.
But somehow the conservative movement has lost its way so badly that when a bureaucrat has a badge and a gun we forget everything we know to be true about how government works.
WHat they wanted was stuff any actual conservative wants anyways! Here's my article on the subject: https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2020/06/65309/  https://twitter.com/ConcernedAtt1/status/1299819602470408192
Key to distinguish here between "the outcome protestors want" and "the policy protestors want."

The outcome they want is less police violence. Polls also show most black Americans actually want *more* policing of their neighborhoods.
"Reducing police violence" is.... a good thing! I'm pretty sure reducing the extent to which bureaucrats engage in violence against private citizens is a thing conservatives are in favor of! It's why we support the Second Amendment for cryin' out loud!
Now, defunding the police is a bad policy answer, not least because it won't work. Defunding will just lead to more revenue raising through citation, which will increase risky interactions leading to violence. That's not a good solution.
What conservatives could have done, what I have valiantly tried to do, is say "Okay, we're agreed on the outcomes. Academic research shows a big cause of police violence is their immunity to consequences created through collective bargaining. Let's hit the collective bargaining."
and hint hint ripping collective bargaining away from public sector unions is a thing conservatives mostly want anyways because seriously why did we ever let public servants form unions that was insane
This ignores the fact that most of the people police kill.... are white! https://twitter.com/nmonick/status/1299821175233826817
it's like you people don't even read my articles
People asking for evidence that police go on strike when criticized: there's a lot, but the most recent is this nice piece showing that when investigations of police are announced, policework done drops sharply, and violent crimes rise. https://www.nber.org/papers/w27324 
anyways y'all

The way to deal with revolution is reform. Maybe try to be an actual conservative for like 2 seconds and read Edmund Burke you Coolidge-forgetting RINOS.
For all the people being like, "well, lyman, i, liberal, would like to inform you that actually conservatism is defined simply by racial animus"

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