you can chew on applesauce. it accomplishes nothing, but,,,

you can do it
you’ve gotta listen to music the way it was originally intended—with drugs
when i was younger, i took an asthma medication called Singulair. now i’m worried about a singularity

this is not a coincidence
broke: trying to articulate your experiences with the unreliable medium of language
woke: straight qualia
i don’t even know what glass animals does, as a band

do they play instruments? do they have a genre? who knows

it’s just production
brief glimpses at the underlying structure of human nature, like the moon peeking through the clouds
my house has a bunch of chimneys on the roof. connected to machinery in the attic, i guess? why the fuck do we have so many chimneys
no really let me count them


why do we have 12 chimneys
hoo wee i can definitely see the visuals now

visa has talked about being able to see through the walls of social reality before

i’m definitely getting big parts
it would be nice to know someone who shared my fundamental assumptions, someone who understood things in the way i would have them understood

then we could go explore together
the quickly changing nature of the mind, the imaginary realm, where any experience can be had, intensely

vs the stubborn static nature of the atoms
so many thoughts go by

do i chase them down to see where they lead, or just let the acid take me where it wants to go

it took my what felt like forever just to decide to write this
acid offers the promise of comprehension

but whisks you away when you get too close
i am desperately trying to extrude something that makes sense before i float along to the next thing

but should i
sometimes you have a nice story

and the story wraps up and gives you a nice ending, and you feel a certain way about it
maybe i should talk to someone

getting a little stifling in my mind all here by myself
i’m going in circles but i think i’m getting somewhere

i’m getting close and closer to whatever is at the heart of it
well, mr. watson, we’ve got quite the mystery on our hands. what happened? we don’t know. what’s the mystery? no idea. what are we looking for? beats me
wait a minute

are the cat pheromones psychoactive in humans too
no one is asking me any questions oh no https://twitter.com/acidshill/status/1299778790868959232
i need to remember to hang out with people when i get high

never really had the chance to play with the social angle
just talked to someone for a while

it was nice
i’m coming down now

always a weird experience
might hike the dose even higher next time

curious about what i’ll find
does the chip exist to pick up the dip, or does the dip exist to coat the chip?
you, the chip, all alone and incomplete

me, the dip, possibly able to complete you????
why is it that when i’m by myself, i feel lonesome, but when i’m with other people, i don’t know what to do

i’m very comfortable with solitude, it’s very safe and nice for me
being with other people is very unlike that

there are several parts of my mind which aren’t awake unless i’m alone

even now, writing this, i’m forcing myself to use verbal cognition
me, spending way too much time on twitter, hanging out with people selected by the criteria that they, too, spend way to much time on twitter
ah, yes [lights cigarette] the twitter condition
alternate universe where everything is the same except humans have arms that are long enough to go down to their feet
i am desperate for emotional catharsis rn



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