Mute if you want. My mom and a great part of older people in my family are racist. Anti-blm, anti-protestors, pro trump, etc. Despite being Cambodian and proud of their heritage, they're also strangely proud of white heritage and white power. And I think it's really interesting-
And sad because they are ignorant to history and think the white man does no wrong because it was he who gave us the opportunity to live the way we do. To escape genocide and give us a chance to aim for the American dream. That's it. They glorify the American dream. Streets-
Paved in gold and endless opportunity. They're blind to the reality of it. I was always told growing up not to marry anyone black or mexican. Even certain asians. That my safety and happiness lie with a white man who would take care of me and treat me well. Because white-
People work harder than any other race. Because they GAVE me so generously the opportunity to be privileged. And that I should repay them for that and be subservient. I have been harassed, followed, abused and fetishized because of my race.
I feel like some asian families like my own who have been americanized and brainwashed by pro-white propaganda act in a sense like a teacher's pet. They're praised and treated a little better than the other students because they try so hard to please them and be better.
And when they receive special attention and a pat on a back by the teacher they think that they're different. That they're the exception and they're as close to standing on equal ground to the teacher. But that's not the case. We're all still students. And just because-
you're being treated a little better than x race by someone of higher authority and power in this rotten system doesn't excuse you to be blind to the suffering of other minorities. It doesn't make you better. It doesn't make you one of them. They're still not going to treat you-
As an equal. And they're going to make ching chong jokes about you behind your back then feed you the idea that a submissive asian girl is hot so that you feel like you need to fit some sick fantasy for them. That you owe it to them because you're not like the others.
Anyways, main point is, stop being racist to others and yourself. Try to be understanding and patient with each other. Support each other. Protests are what got us civil rights among many other things. I'm here because of them. And also, be gay.
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