1 RT = 1 random business/marketing insight

First one is free
1. After networking with high level guys, I can say emphatically:

Most high level marketers/biz gurus are completely dorks, who just happen to know a tad more than you.

The knowledge gap from $100k/mo to a milly/mo isn’t that wide.
2. Knowledge has diminishing returns in business.

You can go far with the foundations.

Reason people don’t is they keep trying to replace the foundations with hot tactics, they fail; and jump to the next hot tactics.

Instead of learning new shit

Leverage what you know
3. High level copywriters live the best life out of any “online guru” types

Can make bank off 2-3 clients/yr



Copywriting isn’t sexy early on but it’s the path to the good life
4. Most of you would close more deals if you had higher standards.

Blacklist guys who ghost you

Blacklist guys who are late and ask weird questions

Setting standards is your way of telling the universe what you will & will not accept
5. Selling free shit doesn’t build an audience of buyers. It builds an audience of freebie-seekers.

People might tell you they’ll buy.

They might engage with your stuff.

But good luck selling high ticket.

(You can of course become wealthy with low ticket)
6. Agora copywriters are good but unethical.

They sell cocaine to retirees and laugh their way to the bank.

If you have the opportunity to train there, do it — but don’t sell your soul for profits.
7. Most Twitter marketing gurus just parrot Sam Oven’s or Traffic & Funnels and have no original ideas.

(Easy to spot).

Nothing wrong with this but if someone doesn’t have an original idea I won’t buy from them.
8. You don’t need a website.

The only people who say you need a website are web designers.

I’ve never closed a deal with someone who said “Ryan I decided to work with you because your website is just so great.”

All you need is a basic landing page.

9. You should spend 1-2 years cold calling and doing door to door sales before starting your biz.

Builds grit.

Destroys fear of rejection.

And will put you far ahead of your competing (it’s not even close).
10. Stop reading fucking business books.

I’ve read one in the last year and make more money than you.

Lesson there
11. Start reading fiction

Most of the books I read now are fiction, or even comic books — the amount of content ideas I get from these makes them insanely high ROI.


• The Master and Margarita
• Anything by Dostoevsky; the way he details things is great
12. Tai Lopez is a G.

For all the hate I give him, his ability to build an audience and leverage experts to build his programs is genius.
13. If you run ads on FB, max out the amount of biz managers you can have.

Max our your ads accounts.

Run a $3-$5 stock photo ad or video views ad in each — keeps accounts active, and you’re more likely to get FB live chat support.

You’ll thank me later.
14. Traffic & Funnels took from Sam Oven’s.

Sam Oven’s took from Dan Kennedy & from Kevin Nations & Sandler.

On and on.

There’s no real unique IP anymore.

Only rehashed stuff from the greats.

What matters is the packaging & positioning (why Sam exploded).
15. Document everything.

I’ve never lost a chargeback case because I screenshot everything & have my VAs compile it.

A lot of people don’t have your best intentions in mind, so always have proof, engagements etc....documented.
16. Unpopular opinion:

Tell your parents what you’re doing — if you can’t handle their criticism, you probably shouldn’t be in business.

Plus it gives you some motivation.
17. Last tweet brings me to this one — motivation is fleeting.

Having a powerful WHY is more effective than watching Tony Robbin’s on repeat.
18. Treat people with respect

Whether it’s having your ads account ban lifted, a PayPal hold removed, getting into a restaurant, being nice is like a cheat code.

You don’t even know how much shit I’ve got away with, been given or whatever just by being nice.
19. In one way or anything, we’re all just merchants or dopamine.
20. Sales is the most valuable skill you will ever invest in/learn.

If for some reason I wanted to stop running my biz, I could make 6-7 figures/year closing deals for others.

Learn sales.

You will NEVER starve.

The best PURE copywriters I’ve seen on this side of twitter are @Bronzevertising, @BenWByrne & @FrazzleDazzzled
22. If your environment doesn’t inspire the fuck out of you move, no matter the cost.

We optimize our body, and mind, but never how our environment makes us FEEL.
23. Most people who try to optimize their lives having nothing to optimize.

You can smash $10K/month with pure grit and stupidity.

Optimizing your routines, habits and life before that point is just mental masturbation.
24. Having a woman who cooks, and cleans for you (both your house and your pipes) is the ultimate productivity hack.

Cc @DKing_DB
25. Fixing shit on your own is usually overrated. Had a hole in my wall from my dog.

Could’ve spent 2-3 hours doing it myself.

Paid some $100 to do it for me.

If I wanted to fix walls I would have been a contractor.

The most valuable thing in the world to me is time. I will pay anything to save time.

Money is easily renewable.

Social skills.

Be good at these and you’ll coast through life
28. If you’re new to biz, spend at least one day a month working at the nicest hotel in your city.

If you can’t change your environment, at least short-circuit your negative thoughts patterns by surrounding yourself with wealth.

I used to spend days working at the fairmont.
29. Freelancing is the best way to stack cash fast.

Start here.

(Inserting blatant promotion) https://twitter.com/ryan_boothh/status/1299521861487796224
30. The difference between a good and a great accountant is balls.

I churn through accountants every few months seeking one truly accountant with a higher threshold for risk.

Side note: the best accountants are ALWAYS right-leaning politically.
31. Most people love their entire lives in their head.

They will never unplug from the matrix.

Marketers will always use this to sell products & services, and it’s a wonderful thing.

It’s just as easy to close a $10,000 deal as it is a $1,000 deal.

Spending time on stuff that annoys you is how you burnout. Learn to leverage your unique ability, outsource the rest.

In 50-years, companies from the US will almost entirely outsource their operations to Eastern Europe.

I’ve seen first-hand the explosion of outsourcing to Ukraine. As Asia becomes less trustworthy; Eastern Europe interest will explode.
35. Learn how to pick up women & get laid

You know how many problems would be solved if men could just get laid consistently?

A good VA is a life-changer.

Hired one recently that reduced my workload by 5/hours a week.
37. On the topic of VA:

Outsource before you think you have to.

Nothing wrong with outsourcing too early, but outsourcing too late is usually always a mistake.

Being in shape helps you succeed in business — if you’re fat with a crap diet you’ll never be able to operate at peak efficiency.

Your energy levels will be shit
39. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

Taking biz ideas from the west and bringing them east, and vice versa is often a great way to make a ton of money.

Apply this on a market to market basis too
40. Money isn’t the goal.

Freedom is.

In the immortal words of every investment banker everywhere: money is just how you keep score.
41. Selling an ecom product is 100x easier than selling a high ticket info product.

Nothing else to say about this, just wanted to throw this out there. Lol

Don’t skimp on food. Always by the highest quality food.

No point having a muscle car if you’re going to feed it low-grade shit.

Same applies to your body.

Stop using Canola Oil, start using @SeloOlive.

You can hit $100K/mo in two years.

I’ve seen complete idiots hit that mark because they had self belief, grit and were ruthlessly consistent.

You need to set higher goals.

“$10K/mo” isn’t going to cut it.

Aim high, fail high.
Aim low, fail low.

If a book hasn’t been around for 5-10 years, I won’t read it.

I want to give a book time to simmer, to see if it stands the test of time — if you’re a marketer stick to the basics:


Then expand.
46. Never pay full price up front in cash.

Always finance.

No matter the interest rate, I can invest my money to generate a greater return.

Cash in hand now >>>
47. Avoid the stock market

Until you’re making millions, your money is better invested IN your business.

Biggest mistake I made when starting out was investing in someone else’s business instead of mine.
48. Nothing is binary.

Even my last Tweet.

Negative self talk is destructive.
50. Never create something before selling it

I sold $30K worth of my first first info product in a week before even writing a word

Test demand
51. Don’t trust business gurus under the age of 30 (obv some exceptions, but see if they actually built something)
52. I don’t trust overly nice guys.

They’re lying to the world that they never have negative thoughts, or are critical of anything.

Any normal human displays flexibility of emotions

Unpopular opinion:

Most advice on Twitter is garbage — people tend to aim for quantity over quality.

So their stuff is fluffy shit.

This is 99% of big accounts.

Engagement doesn’t matter.
Engagement doesn’t equal sales.

In fact, your best clients will likely never (or rarely) engage with your content.

My $30K/month, $80K/month students aren’t even on Twitter that much.
55. Going back to #53, the best value on Twitter is joining masterminds, and networking behind the scenes.

If you don’t do that, you’re wasting your time here.

I used to prefer Facebook, but now realize that Twitter is the best networking platform on earth for marketers.

FB is great, but people have a stick up their ass.

Best way to be confident about charging high prices is to:

• Get great client results and
• Invest $ into yourself

If you’ve never invested $2K into yourself, how do you expect to be confident about charging high fees?

People who take sleeping pills, or any kind of supplements to sleep better are hilarious.

Want to sleep better?

• Cold, dark room
• Shower before bed
• No devices 2 hours before bed
• Journal thoughts before bed
• Read a good fiction book in bed

On sleep...

It’s the most undervalued aspect of maximizing your energy.

I don’t care who you are, 6-hours isn’t enough. I aim for 8-9 every single night.

The amount of hours you work doesn’t matter, what matters is your energy levels during the hours you work.

Read “the power of full engagement” for more on this.

Daily meditation prevents mental decay by clearing your mind & reducing the mental bandwidth you expend on negative thoughts.

Stress & anxiety are like cancer of the mind.

Meditation is the cure.

Entrepreneurship is a series of sprint.

It’s not a marathon.

A nice suit is a great way to get in state quickly for a sales call.

How you dress is a reflection of who you are, and the values you hold.

CC: @tannerguzy

You don’t need more computers.

You don’t need more screens.

You need one computer, a pen and notepad. Most of us will just get overwhelmed with more devices.

Yes, I am subtweeting @oliviercantin.

But it’s all love ❤️

Mindset (the right beliefs & standards) is the fundamental difference between someone making 7-figures/year and you.

Being good on camera will likely be one of the most valuables skills over the next few decades.

People who are charismatic on camera will steal $ from those who aren’t.

People don’t buy the best product.

They don’t hire the best coach.

They buy the coach/product they remember.

Lesson is marketing = king.

SEO isn’t sexy.

But if you are planning to be successful long-term, you need to invest $ into hiring someone to help you rank high on google.

@SEOKeval & @Noahs4Cents can help you with that.

If your advertising budget isn’t high (less than $200/day), skip middle of funnel marketing campaigns.

Go straight to conversions, and retargeting to use your budget most effectively.

Copy is a sales multiplier.

Traffic is a sales driver.

If you don’t struggle with imposter syndrome, you aren’t growing fast enough.

Imposter syndrome is a sign that your body is uncomfortable with the challenges you’re putting yourself through.

Wrote about this before but:

“Dumb” people make good entrepreneurs — because they have insane self-belief.

Guys who ONLY talk about business are terrible company — I love building but there are times I want to disconnect & chill.

If this describes you, find some other hobbies & passions to make yourself more interesting.

The problem with most content is it has no end goal. People create content for the sake of content.

Your content needs to progress people through your funnel, and have an objective.

Create the end goal first.

Then write the content.

Unpopular opinion:

TV can be high ROI if you use it properly; great for content ideas, storytelling etc...

Have multiple payment processors.

And if your rely solely on Stripe, or PayPal you’re playing with fire.

The hate mob will take you down faster than you can say Trump 2020

Until you’re making $100K/year don’t bother with creating an LLC.

Depending on where you live, the tax benefits won’t be worth it, and the cost to file is more expensive.
80. On finances...

(And I’m not a financial advisor so this isn’t advice)...

Pay yourself 10% in the form of dividends. Sub $100K/mo, this is the best route in my experience.

Reinvest the rest.

Don’t play around with payroll.

Don’t send proposals.

I’ve never closed a deal AFTER sending a proposal.

If you MUST send a proposal, walk them over the proposal on the phone, or video.

Also — don’t use pitch decks.

Just stop lol.

Don’t do sales calls for anything under $3K.

If you can’t close a $3K offer over the DMs, work on explaining your offer & or positioning/ messaging.

If your first thought when you someone succeeding is “fuck that guy” you will never achieve success.

You have the wrong beliefs about wealth.

Someone succeeding should inspire you

You can make good money selling ebooks.

@DennisDemori will buy his mansion with ebook profitzzzz

Never sell a service for under $2K.

After taxes, it’s not even worth it.

On taxes...

I think it’s every citizens duty to pay a base amount of taxes, but also to do their part in legally trying to avoid paying taxes.

Taxation with representation is standard right now.

Should be illegal.

You might not care about politics but politics cares about you — and whether you want to admit it or not, you doing nothing, not voting and not caring is just letting the exact people you don’t want in charge to win.

Watching professionals sports is a fucking joke in 2020.

The only sport worth watching is the UFC because Dana White is a certified pimp.

Wearing someone’s sports jersey is hilarious

If you want to research your market, start visiting websites of your competitors.

You’ll be hit with their ads.

Click on them.

Facebook will show you more ads of people in your market.

Great way to never run out of ideas or struggle with research

Learning to tune out noise on social media is a super power.

Information overwhelm is single-handedly ruining your chances of success.

Reduce the amount of accounts you follow — curate a targeted list of people in your niche.

Done for now.

Need to finish editing my book for Monday’s launch.

Grab the book here

Will continue this later. https://twitter.com/ryan_boothh/status/1299521861487796224
You can follow @realryanbooth.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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