1/4. I just listened to N. T. Wright's podcast where he was asked about Open Theism & learned some amazing facts (sarc).

1. God is in time waiting to see what we do next before deciding his next step.

2. God took a big risk in creating free human beings.
2/4. Cont.

3. The alternative to Open Th. is a kind of mechanical system where God directly causes everything & creatures have no free will at all.

4. The statement "God cooperates with creatures" means that he causes some things but not others. Causation is all or nothing.
3/4. Evaluation:

Either he does not understand basic theol. at all or he is advocating for some sort of relational theism w/o coming right out & saying so. His understanding of Reformed theol. is a cheap caricature & he shows no awareness of the danger of theistic personalism.
4/4. I'm not expecting a 500 page theological treatise on a podcast. But he said Open Th. is one side & Calvinism is the other extreme & so we should go down the middle. He could have said, OT & Fatalism are the 2 extremes & Calvinism is the middle path. Is that too much to ask?
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