Its damn obvious that they knew how you boycotted them. Considering the "Moses" issue was cleared by Bekuh Boom. Its obvious that they saw how you put the blame on Lisa and all the death threats. Lisa is more than a dancer. She can rap and sing but it feels blinks have---
normalized Lisa getting repetitive and least lines. The issue is not the position but how your mind works. Just bc she's so good at dancing then she can't rap nor sing. Lisa is too talented to be limited to that repetitive line and least lines. But Lilies never boycotted--
Blackpink. We helped in streaming eventhough Lisa don't have decent lines bc that's the least that we could do to make her feel like we are here. Rememember this day always and never blame Lilies for what will happen in the future. I hope u will learn your lesson.
Even Selenators are disappointed with what u are doing. BP worked hard for this. They had sleepless nights to release this song which will comfort us in this rough period but you had to ruin it for them. What's worst is you blamed Lisa for it and sent hates and threats to her --
and her family + ur bringing up her position. Know that she is the main dancer but she NEVER had a dance break but did we boycott? No. That makes us different. Lilies knows how to handle the situation. Plus these 3 BARs who added to the fuel. Are u happy with what u did?
Can u sleep? Knowing how you dragged Lisa? She is too talented to settle with just repetitive lines but we never went low like you. Lisa is very talented and when she showcased how good she is in rapping by having her deserved lines, you're suddenly mad. You want fair treatment-
but where were you when Lisa got repetitive lines, adlibs lines, ugliest outfits, no dance break, always at the back dancing, least lines, no gigs, no fansites in Korea? Where were you? Whatever you do consider as a human first bc what u are doing is inhumane, you went --
overboard and when Lisa gets the same treatment again never ever blame if Lilies would boycot in the future. Always remember this day and keep it in your mind. Sleep with this thought bc thats how inhumane u are. If Lilies would do this, never ever blame them 😊
Grow up please. Lisa's attacked especially in KTL. In 2020, she was scammed by her manager. In these 2 comeback, a lot of threats and hates were sent to her from outside and inside the fandom. Imagine how depressing it is for her part. Lisa's mental health is important.
Always remember how hard it is for Lisa since the start. She's been away from her family with no one to talk to bc of Language barrier. She didn't openly told us about the scam bc she's worried that it will affect BP. She sacrificed her mental health for that. She promoted BP --
nonstop in diff countries while having concert. She's going back and forth. 2020 is already a very hard year for Lisa. I hope we would be more mindful about what we say. More than anyone, I want to remind us of the Depression that is around the corner and Idols are human too.
Please stop the hate already, a lot of kpop idols have already been a victim of depression. Don't add Lisa to that. She always says she only wants Blinks love and she wants to be happy. Its just a simple wish but I hope we can all grant it. Take care of our mental health 🙏🙏
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