All records held by Cristiano Ronalo
Most Goals in UEFA competitions (133)
Most goals in the CL (130)
Most goals in one CL Saison 13/14 (17)
Most goals on the UCL KO‘s (67)
Most UCL Finals won (5)
The only player to score in 3 Finals in a row
The only Player to score in all Group Stage games
The only player to score in 11 consecutive games in the UCL
The only Player to score 10 goals against a single Team (vs Juve)
Most goals for Real Madrid (450)
Most UEFA Club Footballer/Best Player/Man‘s Player award (4)
Most appearances in UEFA TOTY (2004, 2007-2019)
Only Player to score 50 goals in Spain, England and Italy

National Team:
Most EURO finals Tournament appearances (21)
Most EURO + WC finals appearances (38 equall wit Schweinsteiger)
Most EURO finals goals (9 equall with Platini)
Most EURO final tournaments scored in (4)
Only Player to score three goals at multiple EURO‘s (2012, 2016)
Most EURO goals including qualifying (40)
Most goals in EURO and European WC qualifiers (61)
Most Caps for Portugal (164)
Most international Goals by European (99, only 10 behind from Ali Daei‘s 109)
Most Goals for Portugal (88)
Thanks for reading. Remember that are only his records in the UEFA 🤯. Should I make another thread about all Trophies/ Personal Awards that he has? I wish you all a beautiful weekend
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