Hi, I'm formerly known ouyasumi29 (tumblr: himedanshi) and here is a slightly more touched up megathread about the RECLAIMED term fujoshi, among other things that anti-fujoshi are misinformed about.

FTR I am a queer fudanshi.

> “Fujoshi” 腐女子/ rotten woman is a homophonous pun on 婦女子(fujoshi)/respectable wife, replacing the 婦/fu character for “married woman” with 腐 / “rotten” or “fermented”.



Fujoshi initially began as a misogynistic insult (not a slur) on 2channel, against women who cared more about queer relationships, than getting married/being a wife.

It was also used to complain about the more inclusive anime lineup with the lack of male gaze.
@QueerESL's opinion on BL

"5 Things You Didn't Know About LGBT/Qs in Japan"


Translation: https://twitter.com/AnimesocMegan/status/1259005917418459136
In short: Fujoshi never meant a cishet woman who fetishizes gay men.


If you find an inappropriate fujoshi (mistreating real people), refer to them as the inconsiderate type.

"Fudanshi" 腐男子 means a male fan of m/m content.

Information on fujin can be read here:
Yaoi is a dead genre. The term is outdated. The correct term to use is BL (Boys Love). Don't use shounen-ai. Ever.

Some twitter accounts you should follow:
Personal addendum:

I'm too old and too tired to care about what other people do in BL fandom. So as long as you're respectful of others, then there's no issue. Fujoshi aren't inherently harmful, and anti-fujoshi are full of shit.
Not only are you severely misinformed, but the lot of you seem to be willfully ignorant and enjoy coming off as not only queerphobic, but racist as well.

You continue to water down our sexualities, our genders and ignore the fact that acting like a colonizer is a-ok.
If you want genuine discussions about BL, Geicomi and fujoshi, then by all means, please do. We welcome it. But the more you act like a fool *on purpose*, the more you're going to be treated like a fetus.

Listen to us if you sincerely want to be a better person.
I'm a trans, afro-latino queer and being in fandom spaces, I have experienced the following:

Being called a cishet white girl because I like BL and defend fujoshi

Being called slurs

Being stalked, harassed and threatened

-- by people who claim to defend MLM

You're liars.
I do not trust anti-fujoshi. I do not want to be around you people, and quite frankly I think the lot of you are fucking idiots. But I have more patience and empathy towards those who genuinely care and have a DESIRE to learn. To be better.
BL helped me realized my queerness. It made me realize that I'm actually a guy, and I've met so many wonderful people throughout my fandom journey.

Yes, I've met weird fujoshi, and I was even one before I came out as trans ROFLMAO.
People don't seem to understand that cringe (for lack of a better word atm) fujoshi are mostly young folk going through that "weeaboo phase". You know, that special part of our lives in grade school most of us want to forget lol.
By all means, call out bullshit when you see it, but maybe don't look at it from a Western lens. Please, for the love of God. Educate yourselves. Think before you tweet, think before you say something, THINK about the person behind the screen. Jesus Christ.
Thank you to my friends for educating me, and thank you for reading.

Please read every source before asking me anything.
You can follow @emetsboywife.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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