Having a #Drupal profile does not make you a part of the “Association”. In order for nonprofits to hold legitimate voting you must have a well defined definition of members to vote. Remember the association doesn’t control the code. Your username is only to use help with code.
2. The @drupalassoc just lost their two biggest fundraising events that pay for the everything we have been making money on for years. And y’all gonna complain about $15 to vote. Oh you can get a scholarship.
3. Yes, the @drupalassoc needs to better educate the community the differences between the association and http://Drupal.org . The association is a 501c3 that is held to IRS regulations. So now they are acting like every other charity. A clear definition of member.
4. EDUCATE Yourselves before you speak should be the slogan for 2020.
You can follow @kaleemclarkson.
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