This is a point that doesn't get enough attn. There are different ways to quell civil unrest. You can do it by force. You can do it both by addressing legitimate grievances AND enforcing laws and violence/property destruction. But President Trump - DEMONSTRABLY - hasn't been ...
2/ able to do either. Clearly he hasn't wanted to do the latter. But he also hasn't been able to do the former. So even on his own terms as a 'law and order' President he's failed. Think about it. Whether or not a violence crackdown would be acceptable to you, is there ...
3/ anywhere in the United States - any city, state, even areas where the federal govt has greater authority - where the President has settled things down? The answer is pretty obviously no. His gambit in every case is to complain and threaten he's going to do something, not do...
4/ do it and then blame something else. (It's actually somewhat similar to how he approaches COVID.) The guy just cannot get it done. He can't even fascist well. He can hurt people and break laws sure. But he can't actually get ANYTHING done. cc: @TimMurtaugh
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