Gah, going down the transphobia rabbit hole again. I should know better. It’s so depressing and day by day becomes more horrifying for anyone who thinks that feminism is about justice and equity.
Women claiming to be feminists who insist on bigotry, who whip up moral panics that repeat stale homophobic canards, who link arms with right wing bigots while bruiting scientific ignorance as hard fact, they will never not make me sad.
They claim they are “brave”, standing up for women against men and patriarchy, but in reality they are such cowards. They don’t stand up to people with power - often they are the people with power.
It makes me sad because many of these women are taking revenge on trans people, and especially trans women, for the wounds that men have dealt them. Their wounds are real, no argument.
But instead of addressing those who do the harm, they whip up hatred against people whom they know are already vulnerable, who are easy targets.
And trans women are great targets. They’re already safely demonised, so attacking them changes nothing. And in abusing trans women, these so-called feminists get to safely express their own internalised misogyny, which they refuse to face.
They pretty much get to have their cake and eat it too. They can persecute people while claiming they are the real victims. They can exercise their darkest self-hatred under the banner of fighting for the rights of women.
So-called gender critical feminists pretend they’re taking down the master’s house, but in fact they’re busy strengthening its walls.
Binary ideas of sex are a product of the same colonialist structures that create white supremacy. These binaries insist that only some women matter. This is why racism is so deeply related to transphobia.
Too often only some women have mattered. When we say that Australian women got the federal vote in 1902, we mean white women. First Nations women couldn’t vote until 1962, the year I was born. Western feminism has too often been like this.
Does marginalising, denying and abusing trans women heal the wounds or stop the hurt? Will it destabilise patriarchy, or stop its ongoing violence? No. It never will. I’m beginning to wonder if that’s the point.
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