We never know what people are going through...but lately, it seems....we participate greatly in making things worse.

Memes and jokes were made about Chadwick to the point where he simply deactivated his page and fell from the same public that claimed to love him.
It’s somehow become acceptable to “clown” & “troll” ppl for jokes and artificial likes…but at what cost?

I remember distinctly the jokes that were made about Blue Ivy; a CHILD. She was called ugly, deemed a lesbian and folks were calling for her hair to be “fixed” or permed.
I remember the way the internet bullied Gabby Douglas for her hair during the Olympics...imagine being on the greatest stage, accepting a gold medal...but instead of giving a victory speech, you’re explaining why your hair isn’t fixed....as she even had to (explain anything)
I remember the internet attacked Denzel Washington for his mustache and “old drunken uncle” appearance when he attended the Mayweather / Pacquiao fight ...not understanding he was filming a movie....some of those attacks were disgusting...

(Loved his response to those critics)
The “Prison Break” star...Wentworth Miller (Michael Schofield)...was essentially retired when the internet stole the peace he was trying to find.

Just seeing the image of himself as a meme, and the jokes...and how people “piled on”...

He admitted that it made him suicidal...
Imagine the life Romo lived after THAT botched field goal attempt...or Pete Carrol after THAT interception.

Imagine the hate Lebron endured for choosing Miami…The hate Rose endured for not being healthy & the verbal insults that were attached to every mention of his name
We say money isn’t everything then justify the shit we put ppl through by saying “they’re rich”...or that they are paid to tolerate it.

Are they not still human?
Most recently, Paul George deactivated his “comments” because of the increased slander and negativity he received for poor play....he was called “weak” for trying to protect his peace.

But yet we do that same shit everyday by blocking or unfollowing what disturbs ours...
We take to our social weapons and use our fingers to fire insult after insult at sports players for not playing up to a certain potential...as if they, too, aren’t human.

The question I ask is....are you?

Are you human? Because If you were, you’d know that life is fxcking hard.
And if you know that life is hard...why participate in making it harder for others?

Why is it so easy to make someone else feel like shit?

And to what avail?

For a “like” and an “lol”?
I know the toxic nature of twitter and other social platforms won’t change anytime soon...but I’m sure some of the people that contribute to such toxicity can...

Im sure they can change. Im sure they can be kind. I’m sure they can try a little tenderness....
You truly never know what someone is going through...so try showing the same love that you, yourself, would wish to receive.

Rest In Power Chadwick. You have helped to reshape an industry and you have definitely inspired a generation.

You will never be forgotten.
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