Eventful 28 days, which saw me going from #COVID caretaker to COVID positive to finally COVID free. Happy to add to India's #coronavirus recovered list but not going to lie, it was a difficult time. Compiling a thread in hope, that it may help someone 🧵 (1/n)
Firstly, don't panic. Easier said than done, but it's important. Check your report & note the CT value. Share it with the doctor for him/her to have an idea of the severity of the issue. Get a thermometer & oximeter, because regular readings will be required (2/n)
If you are symptomatic, note down the symptoms & mention it to the doctor, because medication will be based on that. Don't hide it & think that 'body pain' is nothing. Meanwhile, keep boosting your immunity with vitamins. Home remedies work, so 'kaadha' time to time helps. (3/n)
Sticking to simple things, steam intake is quite helpful. Twice a day works wonders & brings great relief. Do breathing exercises, especially if you have breathlessness. To boost your Oxygen readings (SPo2 levels), have an apple. Also have oranges & lemon. Vitamin C really (4/n)
Being stuck in a room can bring with it stress & anxiety. Find someone you can talk to, non-corona related talk. Find something, not too taxing, to do. Most importantly don't read up about COVID on WEBMD. Everything is a death-bell. Trust your doctor. (5/n)
Don’t be afraid to seek help. We reached out to friends, extended relatives et al, to help us with some food. Because cooking regularly was getting difficult. They combined to make a schedule and kept sending food. So we didn't have to worry at all. (6/n)
And finally, don't overthink it. Yes, it's scary at first, but if you do not have any comorbidities, you will recover by following simple things. Assure your mind that you are recovering. Remember weakness & fatigue will persist, so don't do heavy duty work immediately (7/n)
Please note, this is just a personal experience. These worked for us in home isolation & a lot of my learnings are from discussions with our doctor. Also the @mybmc helpline, who would religiously call me everyday, talk for 10-15 mins and explain things. (8/n)
Was particularly impressed with the way they spoke to me regarding mental health & gave subtle tips. Even the sanitisation workers & garbage collectors of @mybmc had comforting words. They were the only people I met in 28 days, so was quite important - that encouragement. (9/n)
It's been an extremely draining experience, both physically & mentally. While I pray that you or your loved ones don't have to tackle this, hope this thread helps. #coronavirus still pretty real,it's not over - keep wearing masks & washing your hands. #StaySafe everyone (10/10)
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