different ways you can help someone that is suffering with anxiety: a thread.
before you read this thread, please note that sometimes people need further help than what you can provide. these methods are based on my personal experiences with anxiety. also please share and rt ♡
be understanding. be willing to listen to them and give advice, but also be willing to give them as much time and space they need to relax and feel mentally prepared to discuss their feelings.
realise that it saying “it will get better” doesn’t necessarily help. this is a cliche phrase and sometimes people need more support and help.
don’t discourage and insult the way they are feeling. telling them that “it’s stupid” or they’re “being ridiculous”. this can be really hurtful.
encourage them to reach out or get therapy. don’t force them but explain the benefits therapy will provide them. if they can’t afford therapy, speak to someone they know and trust such as a parent or teacher.
teach them breathing techniques and coping methods. here is a breathing technique that can be calming during an anxiety attack:
reassure them and tell them that aren’t alone. share similar experiences and make sure they know that their feelings are valid and important.
don’t force them to do anything they don’t want to do. sometimes things people worry about can be confusing to others and seem weird, but everyone feels differently towards different things.
if something seems off, ask them if they’re feeling okay. if someone cancels plans, or seems the slightest bit sad, check in. check in on your friends daily and often.
tw/ if you are reading this and currently struggling to a severe point, here are the worldwide suicide numbers. make sure you reach out because there are so many reasons for you to stay. i love you.
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