Liberalism is anti Islam no matter how many politicians show up to your local mosque to say they are our ally. They have been using the Muslim community to prop them up with no return for investment for a long time but every election cycle we get stung from the same hole again
And clearly you must on twitter write full articles to not be accused of saying what you did not say (face palm). Racist fascist conservatism is no friend to Islam either. But an open enemy is better than a back stabbing fake friend. At least you know where you stand
I stand by islamic values ONLY! And none full fit into any political check box on a ballot form! Islam is pro life except in medically extreme circumstances, Islam is for the needs of the poor, the rights of the citizen to healthcare etc don’t try to shove it into a political box
But above all Islam is about upholding the tawheed in Allah alone and obedience to him and his messenger and the revealed text of the Quran and the sunnah. Anything other than these is man made garbage that always compromises parts of ones religion.
Western politics and the political system inherited from Roman paganism will always be anti Islam because Allah revealed his religion to be the antithesis of these very man made system. To try and reconcile the two has always led to compromises in the faith.
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