A clarification b/c a couple of ppl responded in despair at doubling payments.
I thankfully had low payments. My student loans were the least of my money problems so making an extra payment wasn't a hardship for me, once I decided to pay it off.
I paid off mine in 2018. PRAISE. https://twitter.com/Author_DLWhite/status/1299464166256840704
Any amount you pay over the minimum helps. I would log into Navient (Sallie Mae) to make my regular payment and then a week later, pay a little extra. ANY extra is helpful as it goes toward the principal.
If you don't lower the principal you're mainly paying interest. My miser, penny pinching father taught me to hate interest. This goes for a lot of loans like your car payment. I over pay until that sucker is paid off.
A secret weapon: I use digit to stash away a few dollars a day. Once it tells me I've hit $50, I transfer it back to checking and put it on a bill. It also has a function that stashes money to auto send $ to pay your phone bill or credit card.
Last month, I made my regular credit card payment (over minimum), then digit sent an extra payment of $200- money it had been stashing for the past month. I never even see it leave my account.
I also make an extra payment on CC's to pay them off, which helps to lower the balance drastically. I want to be debt free by the time I retire, so I make an extra payment on the off payday.
You can follow @Author_DLWhite.
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