Being LBGT(Q)+ is okay, people can be what they want, how they want and there really shouldn't be any repercussions of doing so. It doesn't affect anyone's day to day life and it's something that should be apart of the norm. However there are a few things I don't really enjoy:
People can become very uptight about the LGBT(Q)+ community, sometimes it can be people that aren't apart of it or those that are apart of it. People should be allowed to be themselves if they want to, but please, don't force it on any other person.
To elaborate: If you don't like people that are apart of the community, don't be a prick about it. Just say your peace and move on. But if you are apart of it, be happy with whom you are and don't become a bigot about it.
This thread may be taken out of context if it does; I'm sorry. Wording and making things that I say, sound right, is difficult. But then again, I'm a blunt person. In the simplest of ways I could sum up the thread is:
Be happy with who you are, but don't become prideful, those around you, may disagree with what you are, but don't let them get to you.

If you don't like something about something say your peace and go. People deserve the right of happiness, no matter who they are. Respect them.
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