(Just IMO...)

This thread contains a good example of what I mean when I talk about allyship. It’s a verb: serious (weeks long) consideration of harm, stopping the behavior, continual self-education, & a willingness to engage further or walk away, at the HARMED people’s request. https://twitter.com/conservechange/status/1299463283343327232
And just to be 1000% clear— I am in no way attempting to speak for any Indigenous person. I just want to highlight this thread as a good example of how to understand harm, begin harm reduction work, and compose an apology that’s genuine, because it’s backed up by that work.
See also this fantastic thread: https://twitter.com/meliseymo/status/1299499483483471873?s=21 https://twitter.com/meliseymo/status/1299499483483471873
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