3/ At time of News Corp-DirecTV deal, one FCC Commissioner worried the deal would “result in unprecedented control over local & national media properties in one global media empire. Its shockwaves will undoubtedly recast our entire media landscape.”

Couldn't have been more wrong
4/ at same time, regulatory advocate Jeff Chester predicted that Murdoch would use this “Digital Death Star” to "force his programming on cable companies by threatening a price war unless they give Fox favorable access."

LOL, nope. Nothing of the sort happened.
6/ But then AT&T walked right into the trap and this story played out again!! And, right on cue, the regulators used the same panicked rhetoric as they did a decade prior.

Nobody learned anything from history apparently.
7/ Prediction: AT&T will soon sell DirecTV at a considerable loss. Charlie Ergen will try to make a DISH-DTV marriage happen. #Antitrust regulators will go nuts & move to block horizontal deal based on yesterday's market definitions. The firms will crash & burn after deal denied.
8/ And that'll mean history will also repeat again because then this will just be a replay of the Blockbuster & Hollywood Video failed merger in 2005! FTC moved to stop that horizontal deal even though markets were already decimating video rental markets. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/07/antitrust-regulation-rapidly-changing-marketplace-requires-humility/
9/ Perhaps one day telecom execs & regulators will learn something by reading a little history and exercising a little humility.

Technological change is mighty wrecking ball.

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