Did some study on manipulation in my 2nd year for a course which needed a study on it for some literary analysis

Manipulation is often xterised as a form of influence which is neither coercion now by any rational persuasion. It comes in various forms and manner. https://twitter.com/ekiloui/status/1299636402800427012
Let's say for example N likes T n C is not cool with it n so he employs several methods to thwart it n let things go his way.

GUILT TRIPPING: C makes N feel guilty for choosing T over him.
EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL: Make it clear to N that if chooses T over C he would w/draw his
Friendship, sulk, become annoyed n generally irritated

FUEL FEAR FACTOR (FFF): Concentrates n pivots her attention on some aspects of being with T that N fears n fuels that fear to get her to change her mind ( talmabout u wouldn't have gotten those strikes BS)
NEGGING: Make N feel bad about herself n depict T as a choice that will aggravate this feeling n depict himself as a choice that will fight against it. The aim is to keep N dependent on C

GASLIGHTING: Make N question n doubt her own decisions n perceptions so she'll rely on his
counsel hence N will always be closer to C

THE TROJAN HORSE TACTIC: C does a small favor for N before placing his request so N will feel indebted n obligated to do it.

FAUX CONCERN: Exaggerate n highlight d advantages of being with C n d disadvantages of being with T
SHAMING TACTICS: This is d worst form of manipulation. C uses sarcasm n put down words to increase fear n self doubt in N. Shaming tactics can be very subtle such as a fierce look or glance, unpleasant tone of voice, rhetorical comments, subtle sarcasm ( that leaves N in thoughts
n self doubt). It is an effective way to foster n nurture a sense of inadequacy in N which leads to N depending on C again.

N when a manipulative person can no longer control u, they will try to control how others c u.
We've seen all this play out so @ekiloui ignore 'em MFs
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