Discovered that @oatly has partnered with Blackstone - an investment company who part own companies who are responsible for Amazon deforestation. I have done a full information post on Instagram and will from now on be moving my own purchases elsewhere

Thread key points:
This is not dumping on oat milk - I am a convert for sustainability reasons - it's one of the biggest solutions to reducing food carbon emissions; using less water, land, and carbon to produce, and a pretty good 1-for-1 switch.
However, I'm not going to put my money into companies which can appear to be selling out to the highest bidder. There are plenty more companies - or of course make my own!
Blackstone is a part-owner of 2 Brazilian firms which are directly contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest (Hidrovias do Brazil, and Pátria Investimento), and they now hold shares in rapidly growing Oatly.
Money is being tied up left, right, and centre in businesses which are not environmental, or even ethical in many ways.
It's frustrating when our limited choices are made harder by companies making poor investment choices, that bring financial gain to people with no environmental or ethical standing in this world.
I don't want my money going to the destruction of the planet, and putting peoples lives and land at risk just so that I can have a creamy coffee in the morning!
. @oatly - please let us know what this means for your sustainability - I want to keep buying your product, but for now, I'm on pause.
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