Nearly half of kids in London on free school meals end up going to Uni whereas less than a quarter of kids in the North-West & North-East of England on free-school meals do so.
ā€˜In Blackpool, Knowsley & Plymouth poorer pupils are over two full years of education behind their peers by the time they take their GCSEā€™s
There are some ppl q-tweeting the OT in this thread who seem to have missed the point. Thereā€™s no inherent reason why London kids are doing well and Knowsley kids arent. London kids are doing well bc the government invested in those kids & in that area
i.e the New Labour government of the time. Its as simple as that. It wouldnt have happened otherwise. There is nothing natural or pre-ordained about this situation, nor is it about race or ethnicity. This is about investment. Who will invest in Knowsley? Thats what I want to know
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