
Role models have traditionally been seen as more senior individuals worthy of imitation.

Take Williams Osler, he adopted role models in natural history from an early age leading to his passion for scrupulous observation

In GP training, the trainer-trainee relationship is one of the most important variables affecting the trainees progress.

Observation allows the trainee to ask "What would X do?"

Learning would be laborious and potentially dangerous without them !

Yet most of the literature on role models in medicine relates to specialities such a surgery. This gap is important because ...

🔑 Used effectively role models can help students & trainees make sense of, engage with an take action towards developing generalist expertise.

Tools have been developed to help individuals identify if someone is a medical role model.

The Role Model Apperception tool (RoMAT) includes qualities relating to the 3 H's

🚩Heart (personal)
🚩Head (teaching)
🚩Hand's-on (clinical)

Other studies of highly regarded physician role models have described a phenomena of 'role model consciousness'; that is, good role models EXPLICITLY THINK ABOUT BEING GOOD ROLE MODELS' when interacting with learners.

Qualities of exceptionally good role models also include:

1. A positive outlook
2. A commitment to excellence and growth
3. Integrity
4. Leadership

🔑 This is important because many of these attributes relate to skills that can be acquired.

Our performance as role models is unlikely to improve without conscious thought and action.

Furthermore, the culture of our practice will either facilitate or hinder effective role modelling.

The most senior and influential staff tend to set the tone for an organisation. Yet the relative decline in partnerships and rise in portfolio careers presents new challenges, changing traditionally held views of who / what constitutes a role model.

GPs need to think about how they can effectively serve as as role models at different stages in medical training

1. Undergraduate Med Ed - positive GP role models help to shape the hidden curriculum, choice of career and professional development

2. Postgraduate Med Ed - Support more peer to peer role modelling amongst generalist e.g. trainee-to-trainee, First 5-to-ST3

Groups such as @NextGGP have done some excellent work here. The @rcgp also has a vital role to play.

Thanks for reading !

The paper was largely written by Dr John Holden who tragically died before the paper was complete. Myself and @gpdiarist helped to finish it in tribute to him. He was a role model to many in the @RCGPMersey and beyond! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6104863/
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