A fair model for what's happening now is the "Strategy of Tension" in Italy in the '60s and '70s. Police used the far Right to attack the struggle, killing people and exhausting the movement, media and politicians portrayed it all as a clash between equally violent and...
unreasonable "extremists," the Communists kept encouraging ppl to engage in peaceful, legal reform. The end result was to neutralize the revolutionary movement and present centrist democracy as the only legitimate form of politics. Though hundreds were killed and thousands...
...arrested, tortured, or exiled, the "Years of Lead" produced a middle class society immersed in consumerism, in which politics was little more than a soap opera. Never underestimate how many murders a democracy is willing to carry out in order to maintain its illusions.
Make sure to support the prisoners of the #GeorgeFloyd and #Kenosha revolts! #BLM related orgs that don't talk about the people facing serious time are probably just lining some politician's pockets.
A movement that doesn't support its prisoners is no movement at all. #Amnesty !
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