Curious week. It's now very clear the world’s top 4 emitters – China, US, India, Russia – are all getting hit hard by #climate impacts which are having huge material & human costs…
This week China’s national climate centre warned the country is heating faster & contending with faster rising sea levels than the rest of the world
All that while China battles horrendous floods that have affected 63 million people, left 219 people dead or missing & caused at least $26 billion of economic losses.
India’s Reserve Bank this week said climate change was depleting water levels ‘at an alarming rate’ and affecting the livelihoods of the country’s 17m farmers
What do these 4 all have in common? Despite the obvious impacts they are facing now, the huge economic and human costs, none so far plan to raise their #climate target for the 2021 #COP26 summit in the UK. Curious.
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