These people are, indeed, "radical Marxists"--or at least, they've read enough Marx to know the slogans by heart--and they're looting and pillaging through the US Capitol.

It's not the fact of this, but the *denial* that it is so--particularly when it's contemptuous--
that's contrived to get Trump re-elected.

The denial is so obviously a lie that it allows people to think, "They're all liars. So I'll choose the flavor of liar I like best."
It would be useful if American journalists ceased viewing these incidents as "spontaneous rallies for racial justice" and asked, "Who's organizing this? Who's encouraging it? Who's funding it?"
It's not too conspiratorial to note that there's one state power in particular with a great deal of institutional experience in cultivating violent Marxist groupuscules in the West and activating them at politically significant moments.
This isn't to say that there's no indigenous support for this movement. But it is to say that this movement is now behaving as if it seeks a second Trump term. Why?

American journalists might want to look at this more closely.

Don't wait until after the election to do it.
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