I want to talk about “same sex attraction”. It’s a phrase lifted straight from anti gay, Christian fundies, like Prager here. It was originally coined to undermine efforts towards equal rights for LGB+ people, reducing us and our relationships to being all about the fucking.
It’s been adopted as an anti trans dog whistle, also demonstrated by Prager here.

I’m not “same sex attracted”, I’m not attracted to all women and neither are any of the other lesbians (or bisexuals) I’ve discussed this with.
I’m attracted, exclusively to very butch women. I’ve seen a lot of opinions on whether butch is a gender identity or a gender presentation but I’ve never seen anyone argue that it’s a sex because it’s not.
If the concept of sex was removed and I’ve never seen anyone arguing that it should be, I’d still know who I fancied and who I didn’t and the homophobes who get pissed off about it, would still be pissed off.
Incidentally and perhaps off topic, removing the concept of sex (which no one seems to be advocating for) would also remove the concept of opp sex attraction and there are many more of them, far more invested in a deep demarcation between straight and lgbt+, than we’ve ever been.
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