The smearing war against Corbyn and the left should have been a wake-up call. The UK electorate should have realised they were being conned by powerful interests into voting for Tories. 1
Instead, they swallowed every obvious, ridiculous lie, from #traingate to #prefacegate, seemingly without any difficulty. ‘The mural’ still comes up as ‘proof’ of something or other. 2
These are people who can easily be persuaded to believe anything, anything at all (except truth, obviously). They simply do not have the cognitive wherewithal to query it. They don’t know how to. 3
This ought to be a concern to us all. An electorate incapable of discerning true from false, reality from delusion, is extremely dangerous. It makes absurd and damaging decisions like Brexit. It allows obvious con-artists like Johnson into office, with appalling consequences. 4
An electorate which cannot think is clearly useful for the commercial interests behind Johnson and his pack of time-share salespeople, but it is lethal to democracy. A voter with a head stuffed full of paid-for garbage, and no way of questioning it, is dangerous, to all of us. 5
With the most right-wing press in Europe, and the BBC openly supporting the Tories, voters need intellectual resilience to withstand the bombardment of propaganda, and a frightening number clearly do not have it. 6
Until we have an electorate who can actually *think*, we’ll continue to get Johnson or con-artists like him, and the country will continue its slide into comic irrelevance. 7
And there’s no sign of any thinking going on right now. If an obvious propaganda con like the Labour smearing war can’t be seen for what it is, there’s little hope of these voters seeing through Johnson’s crude con-job. 8
Polling suggests support for Johnson remains high. This amidst the carnage of Tory-bungled Covid and Tory-bungled Brexit and Tory bungled everything else, and it will continue because the only thing that could stop it - voters thinking - is unavailable. 9
Hard to watch anymore.

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