Nothing is ever transformed without trauma. Try to make a cake without mixing it. Wax must be melted. Steel must be hammered. Energy must be added to matter to change its form. Same with thought. Same with character. Same with society. Everything.
Trauma is just the beginning though. You still need a mold, a blueprint, a pattern. You need to impose form upon force by imposing a designed geometry through repetition. Without it, energy will dissipate. It will return to its default form, whatever it is.
Matter, people, society tend to remain in status quo "unless acted upon by an outside force." Most wait for some trauma to be inflicted upon them externally. This works, but it's too explosive and random.
Here's a secret: controlled trauma. Trauma is not always a bad and devastating thing. Being born is trauma. A bird emerging from an egg is trauma. Instead of waiting for some external disaster, you can add energy to yourself in increments. You are your own crucible. Control it.
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