The UK's policy response to Covid resembles a mass hallucination

Fear drove Govt's to assume worst cases and make extreme decisions with grave long-term consequences

For 80% of the elderly said to die "with" covid, dementia or heart / lung disease are decisive causes
Normally we ignore the no. of deaths that happen each day but giving so many the "Covid" label with computer models and sensationalist media sowed the seeds of panic

In the UK all-cause deaths in the under 45s this year have remained below the 5yr average.
Recently we learned that no UK under 19's died of Covid except where the person was already seriously ill

The problem is not the virus, but our reaction

Attention to e.g. Wuhan/Italy should have informed policy much sooner - but policy levers were already locked on "panic"
In March, politicians around the world abolished the society they claim to defend and we morphed into authoritarian states

Govts and public health all over the world went crazy, throwing out normal wisdom on outbreak control opting instead huge and deadly societal experiment
Policy makers have decided that being wrong with everyone else is safer than pointing out that the "Emperor has no clothes".

They're are guilty of involuntary manslaughter - on a grand scale.

They cannot admit this mistake and falsely maintain the the virus as the threat
Soon the fear of the covid will be replaced by widespread anger.

Govts said they wanted to protect us, but all they did was destroy our health, finances, companies and our lives
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