Interesting poll in TN on issues important to TN families... The interesting part is soon they will be calling myself and other Democrats in TN "radical" or "Marxist" or some such nonsense. Here is where Tennessee voters are on the issues, let's see who the radicals really are...
Tennesseans favor Paid Family Leave by 84%.
The past 2 years I ran a bill that provides paid family leave to all workers in TN for 12 weeks. It doesn't cost the state or biz a penny-employees pay about $3 a week & will be able to take time for a baby or care for family member.
Tennesseans favor expanding Medicaid with 72%.
I have run legislation for or supported Medicaid expansion every year. Republicans have voted it down. #whoaretheradicals
Tennesseans support expanding greater access to voting with 62% of them supporting my legislation that allows same day voter registration. #whoaretheradicals
77% of Tennesseans believe in equal pay for equal work, something I have always supported and Republicans continually vote down. #whoaretheradicals
65% of Tennesseans support addressing racism in our legislature, so do Democrats. Republicans vote it down or don't allow it at the table. #whoaretheradicals
71% of Tennesseans believe we should address affordable housing as do Democrats. Elected Republicans in the state legislature try to override locals who address the issue. #whoaretheradicals
68% of Tennesseans support raising taxes on the wealthiest Tennesseans and 88% support closing corporate tax loopholes. Republicans in TN are doing the exact opposite. #whoaretheradicals
Remember when the Republicans start calling all the Democratic candidates radical, unhinged, socialist, Marxist, or whatever the names of the year are, keep in mind that they are the ones way out of touch with TN families on the issues that matter most. #whoaretheradicals
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