I suddenly feel bad because of other army's who were actually a solo stan i still see a lot of comments regarding jin like they complain and such, but then they havent thought about other members and continues to spread misconceptions to other army's-‐‐‐
I get their point actually, they want to see jin more often but then please thought of other members too, and always remember that every comeback of bts, they always made sure that they are part of the planning of the concept and everything, they all takl everything out with‐‐‐‐
the producers and writers, in short every comeback is a fruit of their hardwork to release a wonderful song that will surely be enjoyed by many not just army's but then we army's are the first person who appreciates it the most because we are their fans so----
we support them and they are all old enough to speak for themselves if they feel mistreated or such, when in fact they were the one who taught us army's to speak for ourselves if we needed to do it but please lets use it wisely and make sure to think about it.
Sorry i made this thread because of the comments is see on dynamite mv i feel bothered because a lot of army's were agreeing to what he/she is talking about.
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