1. So why does America promote the idea of democracy in China?
Americans believe that democracies are essentially better than autocracies because they provide freedom to individuals. This freedom in turn enables individuals to thrive and flourish, using all their natural talents to do thefullest.
This will result in a society becoming more prosperous and stronger.There is a lot of merit to this belief. Hence, if China does the same, the theory goes that China would emerge as a much more productive society,and its economy would grow even faster.
Indeed, if this political experiment works and the average Chinese citizen becomes half as productive as the average American citizen, China would then have an economy that will be twice as large as America’s economy and the potential to become ..
four times as large.
does it really serve US national interests to have a Chinese economy that is twice or four times as large as its own? One key goal of the current American security establishment is to maintain American primacy for as long as possible.
. So it would then clearly be against America’s national interests to promote democracy in China if democracy was such a growth engine. Since America’s security establishment is full of thoughtful and intelligent people, they might argue that the country should immediately stop.
exporting democracy to China for fear that it would create an even bigger rival.

Yet, the American security establishment continues to promote the export of democracy to China. Why?
Because in practice, democracy promotion can have the opposite effect of what the theory suggests. It can destabilize and weaken societies, instead of strengthening them
The days when foreign countries could give orders to china are over. And this is the trust that we must face . This is not 19 century.The best we can do is to reserve the difference while embracing common ground.
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