I have chosen not to medicate ADHD because despite my acute symptoms because I personally enjoy having chaos in my mind. This isn't a joke. I have no idea how to express this without it reading like a shitpost.
When I was younger I used to be on ritalin, and when I was older, adderall. When I was on them I felt sluggish and depressed, I felt slow and lethargic. When I'm off the medicine, I feel normal.
I still have issues with my faculties. I forget things often, and my house is a bit of a mess, but I hold myself accountable. The best treatment I have is my therapist, who has ADHD himself and has related to me many ways to live with what I have.
So much information surrounding ADHD and ADD serves to negate the experience, to make people like me think that ADHD is a disease, that it holds us back. I reject this notion.
I love my scattered thoughts and I love hyperfocus. I love being a mess and I love fidgeting, I love acting on impulses, and I love thinking like I do.
My advice... Find someone to relate to. Find someone to talk with, someone with ADHD or just symptoms. Follow . @ADHD_Alien on Twitter! Their comics opened my eyes so wide. Don't be alone if you can help it, especially if you're under eighteen.
I've never seen the way I am as an issue. If you wish to medicate, absolutely! If you wish to seek help, please do. But please remember-

You're not defective. You're wonderful. I love you so much!
I don't usually write so personally so my apologies if you follow me for the yuks.
I will now be muting this tweet but thank you to everyone who contributed their experiences!

Again, let me be clear- Medication can be very effective too, the important thing is self-regulation and your own happiness.

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