
If you need artistic inspiration here is a a reminder that Hideaki Anno stopped paying his tuition and got expelled from Osaka University while he was self financing his work
one of these projects he did at that time was an ultraman parody. Him and other students formed what was called Daicon Films he is a huge ultraman fan.
with little money and insane creativity after he was expelled he saw an add in Animage about an anime studio that needed more animators so he jumped on the chance. They met with him and were impressed with his work. Even hiring him to do the more complicated work.
The film was Nausicaa Valley of the Wind. He met with Miyazaki... where he was given the task of animating the god warriors attack and Miyazaki praised him for his skill. this was the event that gave him recognition.
This gave him the momentum to become one of the co-founders of Gainax in 1984. Turning Daicon films into the powerhouse Gainax as it's known today.
However once he started seeing success with Gunbuster and other endeavors he was tasked with directing Nadia: The secret of blue water. That was handed to him by NHK through Miyazaki. Because of this, he lost creative control of the project. And couldnt make creative choices.
This led him into a deep depression that ultimately became part of the inspiration and mentality behind Evangelion. Through creativity and ups and downs he became one the most iconic directors and animators who is responsible for one of the most notable anime series.
Him and Miyazaki 💚
A legend in his own right. A creator who bloomed even in the darkness and used it to light a path for himself.
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