My husband had a conversation with some work colleagues today. One of them mentioned that his wife told him they’re trying to normalise #paedophilia. He thought she was talking nonsense-because it sounds insane, right? So my hubby (with my consent) showed him MAP convos I’d 1/
screen shotted where they’re discussing #children can consent & the age of kids they’re attracted to etc. They were aghast. He showed them the videos of academics teaching that P is a sexuality that needs to be understood (like homosexuality), of Peter Tatchell in the UK 2/
saying he thinks a 9 year cold can know their own mind & consent to sex. He knows a 50 yr old who had sex at 9 & it didnt harm him etc etc. Then he asked them if they knew about self ID. They didn’t. They’re disgusted how women & girls are being sacrificed at the alter of porn 3/
sick men who say “they just want to pee” or “just want to play sport” when they (as men) know exactly what it is they want. They peak transed within minutes. It’s common sense to any member of the general public. This is why trans rights orgs got busy capturing top echelons 4/
first. The aim was to trickle it into government, law, health, education, corporate so that by the time the general public found out it’d be too late. Damage done. All controls in place. Women in their box. #FreedomOfSpeech in the past. Open season on children. They’ve 5/
been successful so far. I think what’s happening in the UK with child #Safeguarding under a spotlight re “transing” children, @JKRowling speaking up, & @WorldRugby’s research findings on the dangers of allowing males to play in women’s rugby might be the tipping point. 6/
If we don’t turn this around soon we (women & girls) will be forced to change our behaviours to avoid having our privacy, dignity & safety breeched by predatory men who’ll absolutely use self ID to access our spaces for voyeuristic purposes or to do us physical harm. It’s not 7/
just about toilets, changing rooms & showers. Women will have nowhere to go to feel safe after experiencing DV & rape at the hands of a man if they know they allow males into rape/DV shelters. Access to a DV shelter means the difference between life & death for some women. 8/
The answer is to make the public know. Speak to everyone you know about this. It’s a difficult conversation to begin with. I know, I’ve been there! But it’s the only way. The general public must be informed of what’s going on. At the moment it seems too far fetched to be 9/
believed, so be ready with the evidence to show them that you’re not a conspiracy theorist or an obsessive bigoted nut job. Ask them, “Have you noticed that no form you fill in asks your sex anymore? It always asks your gender?” It’s a good way to get the convo going. Tell 10/
them how long it took to make that change happen. Ask them do they know the difference between sex & gender? And keep asking prodding questions. Don’t go straight for transgenderism. Trickle it in bit by bit, just like trans rights orgs did with all of us over the last 40 yrs 11/
Except we don’t have 40 years to turn this around. We’ve reached critical mass on this. So get talking! End/ #WarOnWomen #SexNotGender #Safeguarding #women & #children #IStandWithJKRowling #ThisIsNotADrill #Totalitarianism #FreedomOfSpeech
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