People hate “western influence” so much that they’d rather attack the term “filipinx” - which *can* make non binary diaspora feel more safe - than the Catholic Church, which continues to be one of the most harmful remnants of Spanish colonialism.
The colonizers religion does way more harm than a fucking letter “x”. How many people have been trapped in shitty marriages bc of the church? How many young adults are denied comprehensive sex Ed and contraceptives? How many young girls are denied abortions/get it in secret?
“I hate FilAms trying to force the west down our throats 😒” okay but yall use the terms pinoy/pinay to described yourself - which were originally created to describe FILAMS/FILIPINO AMERICANS
“FilAms are too westernized 😔” meanwhile I see y’all white worshippers eating up ALLLLLLL the half white half Filipino actors and beauty queens. Even people who are only an 1/8th like Hailee Steinfeld are applauded?? AND FOR WHAT?
“Decolonize!!1!” Then stop defending a label given to us by our colonizers so hard. Why do you wanna protect a label that gives legitimacy to an illegitimate country?
I see so many weak ass efforts to “decolonize” that are weak, inconsistent, and ineffective. If you’d rather alienate non binary diaspora than the colonial and imperialist institutions that are creating harm RN then your motives are not as “noble” as you pretend they are.
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