It's stunning how irrelevant the "progressive" position on foreign policy is compared to anyone right of Chomsky.

You have neocons who believe in strident imperialism, liberals who mask capitalism with humanitarianism and the left is like... yeah... let's, like... not do shit..?
A so-called "anti-war movement", ironic since it's just consumed by non-interventionists, which aren't anti-war at all. Wars continue whether the US is within or without conflict, simply leaving fascist Russia or state-capitalist China to continue stealing global south resources.
It's quite pathetic and lazy, honestly. And it's not like there's no basis for lefty internationalism. I'd much rather see people advocate evolutions of the "Socialist International" and other unions seeking to stop all imperialism rather than just clean one house to feel good.
It just stinks of nationalist cognitive dissonance, willfully making blind spots where if the schmucks of Washington put down the big bad guns and we send everyone home, we can scrub our hands clean of the blood. But an anti-fascist foreign policy requires a bit more. Sorry.
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