I’ve been quiet on Twitter. 2 months ago I was charged with a felony in rioting for allegedly throwing a water bottle at a protest.
Last Monday I was arrested. At least 15 cops were present to arrest me. 15?? For one person??? Oh wait... they racially profiled me seeing I was a big Polynesian man and already deemed me a threat because the color of my skin
Anyways I was booked into jail and my bail was $15,000!!! $15,000!!! That’s more than pedophiles. That’s MORE THAN THE DAD THAT JUST CHOKED HIS SON OUT FOR NOT WANTING TO SERVE A MISSION.
it’s triple the amount of that mans bail. And y’all are gonna still say white privilege isn’t a thing?? You’re still gonna criticize us for wanting to defund the police??? well if we defunded the damn police we wouldn’t have 15 cops wasting tax payers money to arrest one person..
we wouldn’t have people incarcerated over a fucking water bottle. We wouldn’t threaten protestors with life in prison for allegedly some damn paint. We wouldn’t have cops brutalize peaceful dancing protestors..
We wouldn’t have cops throwing trumped up charges because they can. The charge should match the alleged crime committed.
I really was giving good cops the benefit of the doubt.. but after how I was treated and HAVE BEEN TREATED, acab lives up to its reputation. #blacklivesmatter #fuck12
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