Black people still think they apart of the human race.
Black people still don’t have a ultra understanding that they’re a natural people living in a unnatural system
Black people don’t understand sacred geometry & sigil magic was usurped from us through the intergalactic confederation & now being used ON us in the name of oppression/human sacrifices
Black people have a submental perspective of things they can’t fathom because they’ve been indoctrinated by westernized psychology to make them think the things are actually real is a conspiracy.
Black people call themselves “black” and still think their vote matters
Black people demonize esoteric knowledge that predates humanity 72 trillion years. Gematria, numerology, quantum physics, or anything metaphysical to them is “fake” but believe a White man walked on water & died for their sins
Black people are ignorant to the fact that the oligarchs AKA the white ruling class gives them surface level monotheistic religions while wealthy white people worship our ancestors that came from a different planet behind closed doors
Black people are the most talented advanced mentally retarded cognitive dissonanced people on the planet.... the end
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