Enough trusted journalists out - I'm staying in to work on my fucked up emotional state and to fold laundry. Be safe yall.
@R3volutionDaddy is out @PDXCarMedic is fighting fedex @Cascadianphotog is out @BaghdadBrian is out @lilithxsinclair is organizing some badass shit constantly @blackyouthmvmt hosts Thursday events @jovannithe1st is taking photos @alankesslr is fighting city records office
@ghostmobpdx is building shields @DocLowKey is slowly filming an entire documentary?? @tuckwoodstock probably writing an article that sums up how everyone in pdx feels. @AthulKAcharya fighting for all of us @Bitchwitch20 are out healing ppl @ProtestSound
@SnackVanTM is feeding the people @RevRibs is feeding the people @MacSmiff is inspiring thousands and gardening @safePDXprotest hosts events and security @brianorwhatevr is providing beauty captions @PDXAccessible is making protests accessible @PDXIndyNews is sharing to masses
@PNWYLF kids are alright @VoxPopPDX got those updates @dave_blazer snapping pics @SheaPDX_ out there @JuniperLSimonis is rocking that science shit @JFlorencePDX is resting cause cops @TawasiSoce always out right away
You can follow @GriffinMalone6.
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