what infuriates me about the cricket game is the fact emma knew that 1) people could impersonate each other with magic 2) this fact was established what?? two days before?? 3) she knew regina wasn’t lying about it 4) regina had no actual motive but she had lots of motive not to
5) pongo’s memory is not nearly as reliable as they make it seem due to the fact he is a dog without comprehension skills, even if he had thoughts they made no attempt at communication, and certain senses are omitted which could drastically alter perception such as scent
6) this entire town has motive to frame her and nearly every established character has committed murder 7) none of them understand how magic works and emma understands least of all meaning it could’ve been doctored so easily 8) regina’s memories could’ve been checked
8.5) and you can’t argue that regina’s memories are doctored because that opens the door that pongo’s could be as well 9) archie is one of the only allies she has in that town and despite her anger it would be counterproductive to harm him 10) why would regina walk instead of
poof out of his office leaving the door open for witnesses 11) regina would’ve been aware of the fact granny’s is across the street and wolves are nocturnal meaning there’s a high chance of witnesses so why would she even bother lying bc she knows they’ll trust ruby or granny 12)
adding on to that, she would’ve know it would be suspicious to ruby espeically due to the fact she saw them arguing which makes it espeically weird to commit murder across the street from where she lives 13) nothing about archie’s murder fits regina’s M.O.
14) they assumed regina’s guilt, never giving her time to show proof otherwise which is not only bad investigating but it’s VERYYY stupid seeing as this could’ve easily been a much worse threat trying to get regina out of the way 15) there would’ve been witnesses on miflin since
she walked that they could’ve asked. and you can’t say she poof’d into the house bc WHY WOULD SHE WALK OUT OF THE OFFICE INSTEAD OF GOING STRAIGHT THERE 16) regina absorbed a death curse... what makes them think she’d even be strong enough to pull off a murder that night
17) bringing back an earlier point, why would she murder 1 person then hide? if it’s because of henry, why archie? archie is henry’s friend first and foremost and again, killing him specifically makes no sense. regina proves like a day earlier that she’s willing to die for henry
so why would she sacrifice all of that over anger? and if she’s willing to sacrifice it all for anger, why would she stop at killing 1 person who wronged her? there are people who she hates a lot more and who did much worse to her than archie that she easily could’ve gone for
for instance; whale and jefferson. while I can give them more or less deniability for these two specifically, you’d think they’d be smart enough to realize that no one gets to regina’s level without many people screwing them over
I could do this for hours but I’m tired so in conclusion the sheriff station is incompetent
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