We spare no expense to save lives- sit the f*ck down supervised consumption sites, homeless shelters, seniors, sick people, farm kids, meat packing plant employees, park rangers, flood plain residents, anyone planning to live past 2050, queer Albertans, women, literally every https://twitter.com/Bateson_AB/status/1299522861128769536
elementary school student, construction workers, cancer patients, high-needs young people, First Nations, drivers, taxi drivers, single parents, mentally ill Albertans, post-secondary students, teachers, Roma, nurses, OHV users, anyone who drinks water, non NHLers,
Black Albertans, new immigrant children, caribou, bears, beavers, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, oh Uncle Tom Cobley and all, Ol' Brian didn't mean _your_ lives.
#ableg #TanksForAllTheFish
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