I'm sorry for all the serious tweets tonight. Well, no. Actually, I'm not. This is a very big loss for everyone, and I want to help people get through this as much as I can. Chadwick will live on. To all the black people morning his death, I support you. I'm so sorry.
I am going to help support as many black voices as possible. I promise you that. I'm white, I have privilege. I'm gonna use that to help people through these tough times. Am I the most popular person? No. Doesn't matter. I'm still gonna RT and support as many people as I can.
This was such a big loss for so many people. I'm so sorry for everyone who is grieving. I'm grieving too, because he was one of the few symbols of hope in this world. But his legacy still lives on. He will still be an inspiration for many to come.
Tomorrow, I'm probably gonna refrain from making tweets for the most part. I'm mostly gonna be RTing and spreading stuff in honor of Chadwick. I urge you all to do the same. And please, try not to make any self promos if you are white. Please don't take away from this.
I'm not black, but I know that they are hurting right now. Support as many of them as you can, please. Put yourself on the sidelines. I mean, take care of yourself of course. But try not to tweet so much if you can. Just help others, especially tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm gonna end this thread here. Just know that if you are grieving right now, I'm here for you. I'll help people as much as I can. I'm gonna try and do my part.

But for now, I'm gonna sleep. It's late here and I need some time to reset my brain. So goodnight.
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