The amount of ableism I'm seeing on Twitter right now regarding Chadwick Boseman is VERY upsetting.

People shouldn't have to hide or push through their illness. They should be able to be open about it and feel safe and receive nothing but kindness.
His death shouldn't be used as some example about how people should work harder or not have any excuse to not work harder or etc. That's BS and what kills so many disabled people EVERYDAY.
Yes people should be able to keep their illness private BUT they should also be able to be open about it without repercussions.

The issue isn't whether he kept it quiet or not. It's the fact that if he had been open about it, he wouldn't have been able to do what he loved.
As well, people should be ashamed by the way they had mocked him as he lost weight and began to look tired.

We shouldn't have to know what someone is going through to be kind to them. Always be kind.
Also it's really telling that a lot of the people that have issues with my thread are specifically white women.

Trying to silence me instead of reading and listening to my thoughts as a disabled black women. They could learn something.
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