My DMs are open. If you want to rant about what Chadwick meant to you, distract yourself, anything.
I know this is gonna be a hard night for a lot of people. His passing has affected me, but I know he meant so much more to lot of you
I might be going to bed in like an hour or two but I will talk to you before then, and when i get up. I’ll be making a thread of some breathing exercises and other helpful things right now :(
Tw// suicide
Here is a list of suicide hotline numbers https://twitter.com/ropedrogue/status/1299542149659267074?s=21
Tw// anxiety
thread of breathing gifs to help you center yourself https://twitter.com/prcabcth/status/1299534370169069569
More breathing gjfs
- https://twitter.com/agentofniflheim/status/1299539893421568000
Calming gifs
- https://twitter.com/agentofniflheim/status/1299543088231337986
Tw// animals
Some cute animal pics https://twitter.com/catboyzeppeli/status/1299547649339777025
Tw// animals , dog
Nelson the dog (w some cute pups in the replies) https://twitter.com/puppernelson/status/1299544029877727232
Tw// cartoon cat
Some relaxing and calming gifs https://twitter.com/insaneasyiums/status/1028055890405089280
Some kind words https://twitter.com/bylerbags/status/1299546919459487744
Tw// cancer
Thread of cancer organizations to donate to if you can, especially the ones for biopic and lgbtq people. https://twitter.com/vibrantium/status/1299543988932874241
Tw// cancer
Another thread of cancer organizations who work to benefit black people https://twitter.com/twilightiuv3r/status/1299549058743308288
You can follow @lawrusso_bfs.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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