OK, I may get some static for this, but while I understand they're coming from, I'm starting to get *really* fed up with the Red Rose/Never Biden brigade that is somehow convinced that Biden is literally as bad as Trump, and that you shouldn't vote for either
because 1) if you're trying to punish the DNC for not adopting a more progressive platform (e.g., Medicare for All), well, people tried that in 2000, and it got us John Kerry, and they tried it in 2016, and it got us Joe Biden. This is not an effective strategy
2) they don't seem to realize the difference between a centrist, corporate neoliberal president and an out-and-out fascist who has a white nationalist as a chief aide and is the center of a literal personality cult that believes Satan-worshipping pedophiles run the world
3) the idea that somehow if Biden gets elected, it'll lead to complacency on the left and set the scene for someone who's even worse than Trump in 4-8 years is a purely accelerationist argument,
and, is literally advocating for the lesser of two evils (in this case, Trump vs a hypothetical future competent fascist), despite all their bellyaching about not wanting to vote for the lesser of two evils
4) finally, if you're that convinced that electoralism is a futile approach--and given that the left sitting this election out makes it much more likely that Trump will win---
what exactly is your solution to the whole fascism problem, other than mumbling something about direct action?

Because if we are facing a fascist dictatorship no matter what, then you are ethically obligated to take any means you can to prevent that, and
the corresponding mass suffering and loss of life.

And, unless y'all are assembling an armed cadre to overthrow the government in your spare time--in which case, with all sincerity, god speed you!--it doesn't sound like that's the approach you're taking.
And if y'all want to convince me that Biden won't accomplish those things, what are you offering that *will*?

Like, OK, say you want to have a general strike--OK, great! Great! How are you organizing it? What goals, specifically, are you hoping to accomplish?
How are you going to promulgate your planned strike enough that a sufficiently large percentage of the population will participate so it's *actually* effective?
if you're suggesting a third party candidate, what's the likelihood, realistically, that your candidate will be able have enough media presence (or hell, just name recognition) that they have a decent chance of winning?
Or even a decent chance of getting over the 5% threshold to be automatically on the ballot in the next election cycle?

And mutual aid is great and all, but unless you're armed and ready for when paramilitary Trump supporters start knocking down doors and opening fire,
it's not going to be enough.

Bottom line, it just seems to me like if you're rejecting the current system, given the current circumstances, you'd better have an actual plan to displace it with something else, and since none of these chuckleheads seem to be actually discussing
stuff like leading a mass of people to literally storm the White House, they're making some deeply unwarranted assumptions that another four years of Trump will somehow lead to a stronger left.
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