I was thinking about how the fact that Jesus had to die for our sins doesn’t make any sense and the more I looked into it, I’ve determined that no one had to die for our sins and the entire theory surrounding the Atonement is contradictory to the teachings in the Scriptures.
I don’t necessarily consider myself religious but I am a spiritual person. I was raised in a very conservative and religious family which has always brought about a natural curiosity in me towards world religions & led me to study and question these various belief systems.
When you look at the theories of creation, all teachings provide evidence of God’s abundant mercy for all creation. 1,000 years ago when theology began to ignore creation with Cur Deus Homo, a treatise by 11th century Archbishop of Canterbury, Anselm.
This ended up unhitching divine mercy from what happened with Jesus on the cross and the scripture evidence for God’s abundant mercy for all creation. Throughout all scripture are narratives about the love of God for the natural world and its response to God.
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