1/ Relating to the tragic Chadwick Boseman news, and colon cancer: I’ve had stomach issues most of my adult life. In my early 40s, my gastroenterologist suggested a colonoscopy. It was years sooner than recommend for most men, but given my history he thought it made sense.
2/ He found some polyps, removed them and they were found to be pre-cancerous. He told me it was fine. We had caught them way early. All it meant was that he would want to watch and have me get another colonoscopy in three years. I did.
3/ Again, there were some pre-cancerous polyps. No problem. They were removed and I’d be back in three years for another look. My last colonoscopy was last year, and this time everything was fine. So now I can wait five years for the next one.
4/ So, Rex, what’s the point here, or are you just bragging about how many times you’ve had a camera up your butt? The point is I’m damn lucky I got that colonoscopy early. And the other point is that people need to recognize how important this relatively easy procedure is.
5/ It sounds HORRIBLE. And people often put it off. Don’t do that. It is a bit dreadful, but it’s dreadful for about a half day while you fast and do the “prep” stuff, then the procedure itself is a breeze because you’re asleep and then you’re done.
6/ And it can save your life. I believe my doctor’s suggestion that I get one early either saved my life or at least prevented serious health issues. So don’t let any stigma or fear stop you. Colonoscopies save lives.

RIP, Mr. Boseman. You left the world a better place. END
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