White Genocide & The Pathetic State of The White Race: A Thread

I have never seen a people vote itself out of systemic replacement, specially when over half of it either does not mind it or actually wants it. It is like the White race has lost its will to live.
I apologize in advance for any errors which I might have made while making this thread. English is not my first language and I hope you understand. I am also open to any discussion as long as we keep things civilized. You can also send me direct messages if you want.

Before we begin, we have to remember that our common understanding of genocide is incomplete. White people are not being murdered en masse, at least not in White countries. I use the definition of genocide of the United Nations.

According to the United Nations, other acts can be considered genocide since they all lead to the same end: the destruction of a group. We can safely say that White Genocide is happening if we look at definitions A, C and D of genocide.

Definition A is currently happening in Africa, where White people are literally tortured and then murdered by blacks who simply want revenge. Also, they make it clear by their actions and by what they preach that they want revenge out of hatred.

African governments actually encourage political measures which lead to White Genocide. This has happened in Zimbabwe. This is currently happening in South Africa. This will happen in White countries once blacks become the majority. History repeats itself.

In fact, many important African leaders endorse and sing the song Dubul' ibhunu, which literally means "shoot the Boer" or "kill the Boer". You can look up the lyrics of the song and see that over half of it is just the word "shoot" being repeated over and over again.

Anti-Whites will try to make it seem less insane by saying that the song is an expression of liberty which articulates legitimate and non-violent expression of protest, but anyone who is a little honest can see what it really stands for.

The song clearly promotes violence and we can see the consequences of this promotion of hatred in attacks against Whites. Most of the victims do not have anything stolen from them. They murder for the sake of murdering and it often involves both torture and rape.

My point is that South Africa is going to be our future just like Zimbabwe was South Africa's future if this anti-White sentiment continues to grow. These actions do not come from a small minority and this majority keeps growing. It will reach us at some point.

Genocide as we know it is happening in South Africa just like it has happened in Zimbabwe and this is an indisputable fact. The amount of videos and images of both criminals and victims is immense. The fact that some people deny this simply proves my point even further.

I will not show you gore, though. If you wish to see photos of victims or even watch videos of attacks, feel free to search for them yourself. It is not like there is not a lot of them already. Also, White Genocide in Africa is not the main point of this thread.
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